Our properties are available to purchase on a Leasehold basis to people over the age of 55. With the exception of Lower Willingdon and Hailsham where the qualifying age is 60.
We offer two methods of purchase.
a) The option to purchase at full market value, with the benefit of a long lease.
b) The option to purchase using our unique ‘Lifetime’ or ‘Discount’ Lease. Under this scheme you would purchase the property at a discounted price based on your age and life expectancy.
Full details and some examples of prices previously paid under the ‘discount’ scheme can be viewed in our brochure. These are just a guideline as a new valuation is sought for each applicant the time of purchase.
All of our properties are subject to a monthly service charge, covering items such as window cleaning, boiler servicing, Lifeline etc. The full range of services enjoyed by our resident can be viewed in our brochure.
We currently have 28 properties in Uckfield, a mixture of flats and bungalows at Oaklea Way, Baker Court and Grange Road.
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Lower Willingdon
This development comprises 6 two bed bungalows at Scanlan Close, off Coppice Avenue.
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Grattan Mews, off Eastwell Place comprises an existing dwelling that has been converted into 2 bungalows and four additional 2 bed bungalows.
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